We can't wait to welcome you back! For room hire please call us on 01227 767720. While we are looking forward to seeing you, times have changed and so have we. Now, more than ever, we’re committed to re-opening our doors the right way. We have adapted how we work to align with staged government advice and relaxed lockdown protocols.
Thanington Neighbourhood Resource Centre- a registered charity, is a fully accessible, modern, clean and welcoming community building. We have a range of multi-purpose rooms to suit all your needs. Smaller rooms with a relaxed feel, state of the art meeting rooms and even offices can all be arranged to meet your particular requirements. The Centre is set back from the road in attractive surroundings with 40 parking spaces including 5 Blue Badge bays. There is a dropped kerb, three accessible lavatories and a range of equipment to aid your access and comfort. A range of hot and cold drinks are available plus options for buffets to suit all needs and tastes. We are always fully staffed so there are no arrangements with keys or moving furniture. By using this facility you and your organisation are a major part of our sustainability, and you will be helping a community to help themselves. There are 4 main training and meeting rooms, plus a community hall and a small IT suite. Rooms offer flip charts, TV/DVD and projection/presentation facilities, which are all included in the room hire. We have a newly built fully equipped and accessible Youth Space (244 sqm) also available to hire, plus office and desk space. The Centre is situated on the A28 on the Thanington Road approximately a mile from the cathedral City of Canterbury. Wincheap Park & Ride is just round the corner, a No 1 bus stops opposite the Centre and Canterbury East railway station is a short distance away. Facilities include:
Extended opening hours covering evenings and week-ends
Ample free parking
Dropped kerb and designated Blue Badge holder bays
Fully accessible building and toilets
Integral overhead LCD projectors with sound system and automatic screen
A range of buffet, refreshments and catering options