The Resource Centre provides free computers and free Internet for all residents everyday, plus regular community and family fundays, barbecues, heavily- subsidised trips to the coast and the zoo for all ages, family discos, quizzes, Bingo, Zumba, Martial Arts classes, Housing and PCSO surgeries, as well as a great space for children's parties. The state of the art youth club is free and fully staffed with a wide range of activities and there is always a full summer programme for young people, including water sports, rock climbing, bowling and ice skating, with Teddy Bear's picnics for younger residents. All this increases community cohesion and helps to maintain the low crime levels currently enjoyed by local residents. The Resource Centre provides help with C.V writing, job applications and advocacy where needed, especially with housing and benefit issues.
We have 34+ volunteers who help out with events and daily activities and the small Community Cafe provides hot food at discos and events, ice creams in the summer and teas and coffees all day and everyday. All profits from this and from room-hire go towards employing local people and funding events throughout the year. Local teams play football throughout the winter months on the 3 full-size pitches, along side Junior and practice pitches. All have access to the changing and showering facilities organised through Canterbury City Council. There is a skate park designed by our young people, an enclosed basket ball/football court all floodlit until 11pm, plus an excellent children's playground, which was designed to meet the needs of disabled youngsters. All the facilities are well-maintained by Canterbury City Council and are open continuously throughout the year.